пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

New Year, New Body: Dukan Diet and an Instant Fix

With the new year comes a desire to change your body, get in better shape, set new goals and look and feel your best. In this article, we give two great ways to look better and feel better. One is incredibly easy, the other a bit more difficult but very rewarding if you are up for the challenge.

If you want to look amazing but don't have the time, or the energy to exercise and change your diet dramatically, here are a few simple strategies to give yourself a new body this year with a few incredibly small and easy changes to your current routine.

First, even if you aren't going to start an exercise regiment, you can make some small and simple changes to your physical activity that will show results over the course of a several months to a year. If you simply choose to do one or both of the following two options, all the better for your health and body. First, every time you drive somewhere and must park - instead of choosing the closest, most convenient parking spot - choose the absolute furthest spot you can. This may be difficult at times especially if the weather isn't good. Come prepared with a hat or umbrella and park at that spot far at the end of the lot - the extra stretches of walking will benefit your heart, your health and your body.

If you don't like that idea - try avoiding lifts, escalators and elevators completely. Opt for stairs at any chance you get. If you are not in an area or job where you have the chance to use stairs as a natural exercise, choose to stand or walk for at least 10 minutes a day that you normally would have been sitting. Even if it's just while you watch a television program or wait for someone outside of a restaurant - always be moving. Walk instead of sitting and waiting and you'll notice a difference over the long haul.

A third idea - and the easiest one I know for looking like you've lost years and inches is to invest in some shapewear. A good body shaper for every day and a great firm body shaper for when you dress up go such a long way in making you look long and lean, slim and streamlined. If you appear slimmer, you will likely feel more pulled together and confident so that you make better choices for your health throughout the day.

Now, if you want to make a more dramatic change, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to try a new exercise and diet regiment. We are excited about the popular Dukan Diet. This French diet sensation has helped millions of people lose weight easily in France, the U.K. and all over Europe. Americans are starting to jump on board and realize that this diet is a great way to lose weight and keep it off for good.

The Dukan Diet is a protein heavy diet but it is more than that. In addition to a strict diet plan with menu options that include mostly protein and vegetables, the Dukan Diet also incorporates oat bran, lots of water, physical activity (low impact daily walks) as well as a plan for maintaining your weight forever with a simple trick. The Dukan Diet is a well-researched and well-documented program that was created by a French doctor and perfected over the last few decades. It is a four step approach that anyone can follow with success. The first two phases called the attack phase and the cruise phase are where you lose all of the weight. In the final two phases, consolidation and stabilization - the focus is on maintaining your weight. Dr. Dukan notes that this is the most crucial period and where most dieters relapse. His program is exceptional in that the success rate for keeping off the weight is excellent if you stick to the program. Supermodels and A-list celebrities have lost weight with the Dukan Diet and you can too.

Interesting article on the subject site about weight loss

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss - Change Your Life Style

The only way to lose weight is to change your attitude and the life style that you are following. If you really want to see you in a good shape or a healthier physique you should be ready to bring some changes in your behaviour and habits. When you prepare to do some thing positive to reduce your body weight you should focus more on healthy diet and regular exercise.

The first step towards weight loss is observing your present food habits. Closely watch what all that you consume a day to assess how healthy is your food habits. You should closely watch your uncovering behaviour that makes you over eat even while you are engaged in activities like watching or reading some thing.

Your desire for weight loss can be accomplished easily if your family members are willing to support your venture. It is the best way to maintain the new life style that you have adopted with an intention to loss your body weight. If your family is ready to cop up with your new life style that requires a controlled healthy diet and increased physical activities you will be able to continue the new life style that may ultimately lead to weight loss.

The best way to make your physical exercise regular and a part of your routine is joining a health club near to your house. At home you may not be able to do the right exercises required for weight loss. It is always advisable to consult an expert trainer to understand the exercises that suit your body and age.

You can also join in your local community clubs that have regular team sports and outings to make your weight loss programme more easy and interested. Instigate your family members or your neighbours to come with you for morning walk or jogging to avoid the boring of walking alone.

Weight loss is not some thing that can be achieved in one or two days and focus on a long term goal instead of a quick fix. If you want to know more about healthy diet and behavioural changes you can consult a weight-loss counsellor to know the details of healthy diet.

A variety of options are now available to accelerate your weight loss programme. And always remember that the key to successful weight loss is good eating habits and regular exercise.

See also Weight Loss Optimal

Eating For Weight Loss - Three Principles

Every living creature does it.

Your life depends on it.

You do it over 1000 times a year.

It has an enormous impact on your weight, health and vitality.

You are the walking, talking, living, breathing product of what and how much you eat. What you put into your mouth matters. If you want to look and feel your best, you must follow three principles. These principles will guide you to making food choices that make you look and feel amazing.

The three principles are:

1) Eat in a way which supports your health.

2) Eat in a way which supports your weight goals.

3) Eat in a way which is sustainable.

Each of these components is absolutely necessary to creating the best you possible. Let's take a closer look at each principle.

1) Eat in a way which supports your health.

What you eat is what you is. It's true; the food we consume becomes us. You can't be healthier than the food you consume. If you consistently make unwholesome food choices (eating processed foods, eating excess sugar, too much fat, and too much meat) you will not experience the energy and vitality you desire and deserve. Your body will feel tired and your mind sluggish. Conversely, if you consistently make health supportive food choices you will feel vibrant and lively.

2) Eat in a way which supports your weight goals.

Depending on whether you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight the amount and kind food you put in your mouth should support your goals. This principle is all about calories. Regardless of your goal, to lose, maintain or gain weight it is all about calories. Imagine your goal is weight loss and you ate just ice cream. If you ate fewer calories than you needed you would lose weight but you would violate the first eating principle. Most everyone agrees a diet of nothing but ice cream isn't very healthy. Conversely, if your goal was to maintain your weight and you ate just green beans and consumed more calories than you needed you would gain weight. This wouldn't work well either because it would violate the third principle. Eating in a way which is sustainable.

3) Eat in a way which is sustainable.

By sustainable I mean something you can do for the rest of your life. A lifestyle, not a diet. If you cannot maintain the way you eat you cannot maintain your weight loss. There are two major reasons diets fail: people go off them and they eliminate foods they love. The "secret" of successful weight losers is that they stay on the "diet" for the rest of their lives. This requires finding a "diet", a way of eating, you are happy living with. A diet you are happy to live with means eating foods you love. Don't eliminate, reduce. If you tie your weight loss success to not eating foods you love you will almost certainly fail. The key is to eat the foods you love with your weight loss goals in mind. Each time you eat, you choose to support or sabotage your goals. Make food choices that support who you want to be.

What Should You Eat?

People always ask me, "What should I eat to lose weight?" They usually know the answer and I am sure you do to. More vegetables, fruit and whole grains and less fat, sugar, meat and dairy.

There are many popular weight loss diets, but according to the National Weight Loss Registry, people successful at losing and maintaining their weight eat about 60% of their calories from complex carbohydrates, 20% from protein and 20% fat. This means if you are eating 2000 calories a day, 1200 calories will come from carbohydrates, 400 calories will come from protein and 400 calories will come from fat.

Take Away Tips:

Apply these three principles to the way you eat and you will be successful at losing weight and gaining health. You may have noticed the first principle is to eat in a way which supports your health. When you make food choices which truly nourish your body the weight comes off naturally.

Change the World

Over 65% of the U.S. population is overweight. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. Our rates of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and numerous other diseases are some of the highest in the world. We are one of the fattest, least healthy developed countries on the planet. Join me in changing the health of our great country and the world, share this article with as many people as you can. Be an agent of positive change. Help save a life. Share this article.

Have an amazing day and expect great things!

The Bizarre Madam Tussaud

вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Цены на первичном рынке недвижимости Киева с 11 по 18 мая

По данным портала realt.ua, за период с 11 по 18 мая 2009 года средняя цена продажи квартир в строящихся домах Киева в гривнах упала на 0.73% и составила 14712 грн. за кв.

Количество предложений за неделю от Застройщиков выросло на 1.00%.

Небольшое падение цен наблюдается только в Деснянском, Печерском и Соломенском районах, в остальных – без изменений. Наибольшее падение – в Соломенском районе (-2.78 %).

Средняя стоимость квадратного метра составила:

Центр – 30785 грн. (без изменений)

Правый берег без центра – 12629 грн. (падение на 0.86 %)

Левый берег – 9907 грн. (падение на 0.39%)

Продажа квартир в Киеве - первичный рынок недвижимости

Изменение цен за 11.05 — 18.05.2009


% по районам

Все ком.

(грн. за кв. м)














































Левый берег




Правый без центра




Все районы





Статистика построена на базе предложений портала Realt.UA от компаний строящих, инвестирующих или продающих квартиры в строящихся домах.

Одним предложением считается продажа любых квартир в отдельном жилом доме. Все цены вводятся и используются при расчете в гривнах.

При расчете цены квадратного метра берется минимальная для данного дома. Коэффициенты этажности, скидки, акции и т. п. при расчете не учитываются.

Квартиры, перепродающиеся на вторичном рынке недвижимости по переуступке с пометкой «строится» в статистике не участвуют

роды фото экг расшифровка гастроскопия во сне фито чай для беременных квас болотова рак как устранить храп лампа вуда софрадекс расшифровка экг роддом

суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

A New Rationale For Weight Loss

Why should we shed some weight? After all, we probably feel comfortable with it. Or do we? Excess weight has a dirty way of sneaking up on us.

For every pound of fat, something in the order of one mile of blood vessels is required to oxygenate and remove waste products. So what? Well, more blood vessels also represent more blood volume and more work for the heart, which can lead to increased blood pressure. So fat loss is important.

The extra weight is also causing joints to labor harder, starting from the feet, causing more pressure on the arches of the feet, and if like 90% of the population you exhibit pronation (foot rolling inwards) or supination (foot rolling outwards) this will cause you to pronate/supinate even more, with long term foot deformation. With either condition it places excessive strain on the knee joint and the surrounding holding ligaments resulting in progressive deterioration and localized knee pain. The resulting abnormal torque on the knees will magnify itself into the head of the femur which attaches to the pelvis and will cause a pelvic twist thus putting extra stress to the low back, again resulting in pain, either local or referred back down the leg, sometimes as far as the foot.

Your health care professional is advising you to lose weight, as are your family and friends. Everyone is recommending exercise. But even walking hurts the feet, or the knees, or the lower back.

You try diet after diet. All leave you feeling hungry, dissatisfied and downright grumpy. As it is you feel you already eat less than your skinny friends, or in your mind, like a bird (and you probably do!). Actually, new research has indicated that most overweight people do, in fact, eat less than their skinny friends. So why are they overweight? Food is not the enemy. The enemy is our personal metabolism which is controlled to a large degree by our hormonal output which is influenced by our prior eating habits.

If we took 100 people and measured their individual metabolisms, we would probably find close to 100 different readings.

What works for one in the dieting world, will not work for the other 99. There are, surprisingly, fat loss programs out there that are state of the art in terms of new thinking and concepts that address this aspect of weight loss.

Still, unless you are physically pain free or relatively so, you will not be able to do the exercises that most, if not all, diet plans base their actual weight loss on to live up to their promises.

And if you are not mobile enough to exercise, a good rule of thumb would be to expect less than half the promised weight loss in the scheduled time frame. Once, however, the weight is down and you can start exercising, you will see a big increase in positive overall health.

Interesting article on the subject Maximize Fat Loss Through Simple Ideas
A Really Wild Way to Lose Weight - Who is Watching You?
Top Three Tips for Effective Weight Loss
Better Than Any Weight Loss Drugs
Garlic for Weight Loss

среда, 6 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — виды кредитов

ОАО «Промсвязьбанк» — это один из крупнейших частных банков, входящий в 10-ку ведущих банковских учреждений Российской Федерации. На отечественном рынке кредитов кредитная организация предлагает такие типы займов:

Потребительский заем — предоставляемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком физическим и юридическим лицам для покупки товаров и услуг с отсрочкой оплаты за приобретенные предметы личного пользования, с дальнейшим выплатой одолженных денег и процентной ставки по ссуде.

Кредитки — более современная форма наличного кредита, дают возможность получать разнообразные предметы личного пользования без необходимости посещать в Промсвязьбанк с определенным лимитом с дальнейшим покрытием занятых денег АКБ Промсвязьбанку.

Преобладающими задачами банковских кредитных карт являются получение денежных средств в терминалах или офисах банка, а также отзывы о банках в терминалах партнерских кредитных организациях. Кроме того карты Промсвязьбанка дают возможность осуществлять безналичные отправки средств, а также производить покупки различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В кредитной организации ОАО «Промсвязьбанк» широко представлено программы по ипотеке. Кредитная программа по ипотеке дает возможность купить квартиру или дом с минимальным вложением собственных сбережений, с помощью ресурсов банковского учреждения, с дальнейшим возвращением полученных заемных средств под незначительную ставку. В предметом залога может предоставляться приобретаемый объект. При этом, объект залога страхуется от стихийных бедствий, также подлежит страхованию жизнь и здоровье оформившего заем.